Pastor Stanley King is a native of Miami, Florida and the husband of Co-Pastor Lavada King of Fort Pierce, Florida. They are the parents of six children between the both of them. Pastor King is the Senior Pastor and founder of Lord of the Harvest Ministries Church Int’l located in Miami Gardens, Florida. The church has been established since December 2004 and the first service was held on November 19, 2006.


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Pastor Stanley King is a member of the Association OF Independent Ministers under the direction of Bishop I.V. Hilliard of New Light Christian Center Church in Houston, Texas. Pastor King has a passion for prison ministry and has ministered in prisons and work release centers since 1984. He is committed to winning souls for the kingdom of God, and this is accomplished by his delivering the clear non-compromised word of God, teaching the word of faith, which is based on sound biblical scriptural teachings.

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